- 14. January 2025
- News
- Easyfairs Deutschland GmbH, EasyFairs Deutschland GmbH succursale Italiana, Easyfairs GmbH, Easyfairs Switzerland GmbH
Easyfairs announces solid growth in sales (+20.8%) and leap in EBITDA (+47.1%)
Organic growth, acquisitions and cost control all drive strong performance
Brussels, 14 January 2025: Easyfairs has announced its results for the financial year 2023-24. Easyfairs 2023-24 revenues grew to €229.3 million (previous year: €189.8 million), an increase of 20.8%. Recurring EBITDA hit €52.3 million (previous year: €35.5 million), an increase of 47.1%).
Sales growth has been accompanied by excellent cost control, which has pushed the EBITDA margin up from 18.7% the previous year to 22.8%.
Commenting on the results, Easyfairs’ Chief Financial Officer Marc Hellemans said: “Our previous financial year 2022-23 showed significant growth largely thanks to the post-Covid rebound. So it is especially gratifying that our figures for 2023-24 are even better. Revenues are up, thanks mainly to strong organic growth, by 22.9%, which has been characterised by significant growth in the volume of events – close to 9%. We also launched 15 new shows, contributing 4.5% to our total sales. In addition two acquisitions in the financial year, Coiltech and Southern Manufacturing, contributed almost 5% to total sales.”
The results also underline the resilience of the Easyfairs business model. “The more the world goes digital, the more value people place on the ability to meet face to face,” commented Easyfairs’ Group CEO Anne Lafère. “At the same time, people expect a personalised experience in all they do and visiting an event is no exception. That’s why, for example, we’re applying artificial intelligence such as matchmaking algorithms to facilitate purposeful connections and to personalise visitors’ agendas according to their preferences and objectives.”
Reflecting on three consecutive record years and the prospects for 2025, Matt Benyon, who shares Group CEO responsibilities with Lafère, commented: “With the recently announced new investment from Cobepa and Inflexion, prospects for growth are greater than ever. The investment will fund both organic growth through new events and product launches and what we call geo-cloning – transplanting proven event concepts in new cities and regions – as well as sizeable acquisitions.”